Whether you're camping for a day or weekend, or you've gone for months with your RV, one of the best items you can take with you is a good blank 5 panel camp hat. They come in different colors, sizes and designs to go with just about any outfit you can think of. For the men in your life, there are hat covers made from leather, nylon or other materials that allow you to change up the look of your classic style.
Most popular blank 5 panel camp hat comes with snapback caps attached. They can be worn closed, worn open, or even be used as a dust cap. Snapback caps, also available in fleece are great for keeping your ears warm when bundled up with a sweater. Snapback Cap.
5 panel camp hat are very comfortable and easy to use in the winter. These caps are closed over the head and over the back so the brim doesn't touch your hair. These are the most popular kind of hats used for traveling in the snow and cold. Fleece hats are nice because they are naturally warm and keep the wind from blowing off your face. Fleece hats also have a reversible cover, so you can change to a different hat based on the weather.
If you love being around animals at camp, but don't want to get a head cover, a simple low profile snapback hats with cords is perfect for hanging around the camp fire. It is wind proof and can easily be hung. Beanies are also popular among fishermen, bikers and campers. Fleece makes great hats for winter camping or fishing trips.
Another great thing about camp hats is that they usually come with a variety of colors. There are solid colors and patterns as well as paisley prints and animal designs. Whatever you want, there will probably be one to match. Most people go with a solid color, although if you are camping in the summer, a bright-colored camp hat can help to make you more visible to other campers. You may even consider changing it to a splatter print if you fish in streams and such. Camping has been made more enjoyable because of camp hats.